

To End




Our Impact

Youth reached

with local solutions (directly) since 2011

Businesses Started

by youth from local solution (since 2014)

Youth reached

with local solutions (indirectly) since 2011

Million USD
Total income raised

by youth from local solutions (since 2014)

Robert Starts a Book Making Business

Barbara Starts Eco-Briquettes Business

Florence Starts Her Urban Farming Business


Support youth

who have found local skills

to lift themselves out of poverty


Our Solutions

Checkout local income solutions from Uganda. Use them to start your eco-business right away.

Our centre

Sawa World Solution Centre

Our vibrant headquarters, the Sawa World Solution Centre, is located in Kampala, Uganda. Take a virtual tour of our centre and meet the team.

SDGs we Support

Located in Makerere Kikoni, Kampala, Uganda, the Sawa World Solution Centre is a hub of innovation and learning on locally created, easy-to-start, and eco-friendly income-generating skills. 
What to expect:
🟠 New entrepreneurial ideas: Explore the latest local income innovations.
🟠 Community impact: Learn about our work across Uganda.
🟠 Get involved: Discover how you can get involved in our work.
Ready to visit? Contact us on WhatsApp📲 at +256785485792 to schedule a visit. We can't wait to welcome you!
#SawaWorld #SolutionsFromWithin #MondayMotivation
What came first, the egg or the hen? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section!
We might not have the definitive answer, but in our upcoming learning video, Francis, our Solution Entrepreneur will teach you how to grow your flock by building a poultry hatchery using locally available materials.
Tap https://www.youtube.com/c/SawaWorld to subscribe to our YouTube channel and get notified when the video is shared.
#SawaWorld #SolutionsFromWithin
Exciting news! Our Country Director, Sheila Ampumuza will present at the Lavazza  Foundation's 20th-anniversary celebration on September 30th.
Sheila's presentation, titled "Youth in Coffee: Taking the Reins of the Future," will delve into the crucial role young people play in the coffee industry, using the Ujana Coffee Project as an example.
For the past 5 years, Sawa World with the support of the Lavazza Foundation has directly trained over 900 youth coffee farmers from seven districts in Central Uganda in 20 income-generating skills that can boost their livelihoods, improve their coffee production, and motivate them to stay farming.
Visit https://www.youtube.com/live/0Mvf2f1i6WY?si=D5M6MzGkXAHtJidg to book your spot for the live stream and be part of the live conversation.
#SawaWorld #LavazzaFoundation #UjanaCoffeeProject #SolutionsFromWithin
In business, every step you take and every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow and become a more skilled entrepreneur.
Take that first step today and start. Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/SawaWorld to learn a local income skill that you can start.
#SawaWorld #SolutionsFromWithin #MondayMotivation
We wrapped the week on an exciting note when we hosted five youth at the Sawa World Solution Centre who we trained in easy-to-start local income skills under the Community Efforts for Child Empowerment (CECE) Entrepreneurship and Business Development program in Wakiso District.
These youth who recently started a microbusiness in notebook making, were taken on a study visit to an established entrepreneur’s workstation to gain valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of the notebook-making business, from production to sales.
We are confident that the knowledge gained will guide them through expanding their microbusiness and create a ripple effect of inspiration and knowledge sharing among their peers. 
Inspired by these young entrepreneurs? Learn more about Sawa World's local income skills at https://www.youtube.com/c/SawaWorld.
#SawaWorld #SolutionsFromWithin #NoPoverty
#ImpactWednesday In 2022, Norah, a young woman from Buikwe District, Central Uganda attended a Sawa World skills training in search of a solution to supplement her income from hawking and selling women's clothes that wasn't sufficient to meet her needs and those of her family.
From the training, she learned and developed an interest in the skill of making African handmade sandals. Given the simplicity of the skill, the availability of materials, and the affordable startup capital required, Norah used her savings of Ugx 200,000 (USD 80.64)to start a micro-business a few months after the training.
The start was not smooth, she encountered numerous challenges the main one being fluctuating prices of materials which raised her business expenses, however, Norah persisted in keeping her business afloat by reinvesting her initial income into the business.
In three months, Norah set up a small stall by the highway where she displays the sandals she makes, she now earns at least Ugx 50,000 (USD 13.44) from her business per week. This supplements her income from her other business and has eased the financial burden she faced earlier. Norah can now afford to provide necessities for herself, and her children. 
This transformation has brought Norah joy and restored her hope and confidence in her dream of owning a machine that sews shoes. Inspired by Norah's story? Visit https://sawaworld.org/ to learn a Sawa World local income skill.
#SawaWorld #SolutionsFromWithin #NoPoverty #ImpactStory
Imagine having a constant supply of fresh, delicious vegetables🥦🥬🥗 to eat or sell to neighbors, and a beautiful, calming green space in the city. Here's a great idea💡: start an urban farm!
Contact us at👉 +256789981872 and let's discuss how we can add life, value, and fresh veggies to your space by helping you set up an urban farm. We'll guide you in everything, from planning to planting. 
#SawaWorld #FunFriday #UrbanFarming #SolutionsFromWithin
Starting a business is a journey filled with valuable lessons. Zaitunie, a Sawa World Solution Entrepreneur and CEO of Janzy Products, shares one of her key insights.
Want to learn more about her entrepreneurial journey and innovative fruit-drying business? Visit https://youtu.be/szOPJ06AF3Y?si=Nd84dJNCsx1OwVMN to watch her video.
#SawaWorld #MondayMotivation #Entrepreneurship #SolutionsFromWithin
I’m made from recycled materials, a greener friend,
I burn hot and bright, with no smoke in sight,
Pressed into shape, a fuel so bright.
Can you guess the Sawa World local income skill?
Hint💡: it is an eco-friendly option to charcoal.
#SawaWorld #SolutionsFromWithin #FunFriday #SawaTrivia


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Check out some of our local income solutions in Uganda.


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